How to avoid that awkward silence

A joyful couple in wedding attire laughing, while a woman raises her hands in excitement.

Picture the scene, it’s your special day! Some of your guests might be making awkward small talk or they might be getting restless while you’re having your photos taken. This is the only day in your lifetime, that all of your friends and family are together.

Some people are happy with this, and if that’s you then great. But if you’d prefer a wedding where conversations are flowing, everyone is involved and your guests are laughing or clapping, then you are most definitely in the right place.

Hiring a magician is the best way to fill the gaps in your schedule, break the ice, spark conversations amongst your guests and of course it is the ultimate way to get the party started! Oh, and Revilo loves a good boogie!


Standing out like a sore thumb!


Is Magic Old-Fashioned?